our energy CONSULTING services:
early stage data center planning
We advise early stage Blockchain data facilities on selecting the geographic location for their facility based on available infrastructure and local electricity costs. The analysis includes market assessment and utility tariff analysis to find locations with the lowest cost power at the most flexible terms. Delivered electricity prices can be quite different from one utility service territory to the next.
Since Blockchain data facilities are generally expected to be quite large, finding the appropriate infrastructure to support the size of your load can be a big challenge. BC Power offers expertise and a wide network of contacts in helping to identify existing grid interconnection assets and their feasibility.
electricity and natural gas procurement
In all deregulated states the Generation Charge is the largest and most volatile component of your electric or natural gas bill, comprising more than 50% of your overall energy cost. Procuring power from the wholesale electricity market can result in significant savings against the local utility if the procurement is planned and managed well. Depending on your load, operational needs and budget, BC Power will create a comprehensive procurement strategy using a variety of structured products and price hedges to achieve the optimal Risk Management plan at the lowest cost.
electric supplier selection
BC Power works with a large network of retail and wholesale suppliers in electricity and natural gas. Working with a fleet of suppliers ensures that our customers receive the most competitive pricing, excellent customer service and a wide range of energy products. Once a procurement and risk management strategy is determined, we will then execute this strategy in the market through competitive bidding and select the supplier that best serves you needs. BC Power will evaluate all other offers on the market to ensure that you are continuing to get the best supply at the lowest cost.
Tariff analysis and budget preparation
The Distribution and Transmission portion of your bill is managed by your local utility. BC Power will help you forecast and appropriately budget for all utility charges and rates, both existing and new ones. This portion of your bill can be very dynamic because of the constant change in regulations and utility costs recovery. We model all utility charges and forecast how they will change in the future. Concurrently, we work with your finance team to develop budget forecasts for short and long term planning. These forecast are constantly updated based on your procurement purchases and any forecasted regulatory charge updates.
renewable energy and sustainability projects
We advise clients on a wide range of sustainability projects:
Procurement of renewable energy equivalents through Renewable Energy Credits
Marketing and brokering green energy from existing rooftop installations
Purchasing green energy directly from a source using physical or virtual Power Purchase Agreements
Assessment of behind-the-meter renewable projects and their financial viability
Taking advantage of federal and state rebates and tax incentives for participating in green projects
Assistance in applying for local utility rebates and other sustainability related projects
Satisfying your state Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements through financially traded energy certificates
demand response and peak load management
Curtailing electricity consumption during critical hours on the transmission grid is valuable. BC Power has proprietary programs that forecast these peaks and send notifications to our customers with weekly/daily/hourly updates to give you ample time to adjust your operations and shift your load in order to avoid paying high demand charges and receive revenue from the grid.